Hidden Treasure Ministries

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What We Do

As a non-profit, religious organization that operates on donations, Hidden Treasure Ministries provides the following:

Pursuing All The Heart Retreat (P.A.T.H.)-Participants are given the opportunity to grow in their personal intimacy with God through Biblical teaching, creative activities and devotional exercises.

Lay Aside Every Weight Seminar- A seminar committed to sharing the message of forgiveness and reconciliation. Both its message and its design are structured to enable those who participate in it to discover any reality of unforgiveness and bitterness in their lives and to address them in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Listening Prayer Seminar-Those who attend will find out about the most ancient type of prayer, its application to modern life and its importance as part of the Christian's devotional life.

S.H.A.P.E. Seminar-Participants will discover the unique way God created each person and equips him or her to serve Him and the Body of Christ.

The ministry of pastoral care is offered by Hidden Treasure Ministers for the following purposes:

  1. To encourage people to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  2. To ease emotional pain and suffering through prayer and Scripture.
  3. To increase growth in Christian maturity.
  4. To increase participation and commitment to the local church.
  5. To encourage solidarity of marriage relationships, as well as, healthy relationships with others.

If you are interested in any of these services, contact us at:htministries@gmail.com

See also:

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